This very picture has circulated around the web 6 years after its creation. I'd like to share somewhat about how everything began.
I made this logo in July 2010 and enlisted it with the US Copyright Office. At the time, I had two youngsters and was effectively seeking after my enthusiasm for labor by being a birth doula. I have subsequent to had two more infants and doulaing has taken a rearward sitting arrangement in my life as I bring up my four children. I outlined it to be fit as a fiddle of a S - like my last name and fit as a fiddle of a pregnant lady. I needed the configuration to be shortsighted but effective. The single line associates the mother and her child. This symbolizes the unceasing association between a mother and her tyke. The two hearts interlaced in the configuration further demonstrate the adoring security between the two.
This design has gone viral and was featured in an article by
The Today Show (…/it-s-healing-talk-about-it-story-beh…),
Huffington Post (…/miscarriage-tattoo_n_1061362…),
and about 30 other news outlets. I am thrilled to hear that this logo is
resonating with other women like it has resonated with me. It has grown to mean
so much more: pregnancy, miscarriage, surrogacy, and beyond. I am grateful to
show my design to world.
This is for Motherhood, in all its forms.

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