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Effect of odors on the human psyche

Effect of odors on the human psyche
It often happens that our spirits may rise or vice versa deteriorate without any apparent reason. It may appear strange feeling tired or vice versa, the ease of just one fleeting flavor.
It turns out that in all of this blame around us smell, because the olfactory impulse gets to the brain faster than pain and has a direct impact on the subconscious. Scents can cause a variety of emotions and feelings, likes and dislikes, and this is not fiction. There is a science that studies the impact of odors on the human psyche, which is called odorology and shares the psychological, medical and forensic.

Effect of odors on the human psyche has long been interested in people. For example, in Tibet the children gave to the monasteries in which they were taught by their smell to determine the nature of man, his age, sex and possible diseases.

Studying the subject of odors researchers concluded that childhood people like fruit and sweet flavors. With age, preferences vary widely. It was under the influence of a particular flavor we have a certain relationship to the person. Scents evoke our association with the good or bad events taking place in our lives. Remember how our moods change in the smell of tangerines, which are associated with the New Year holidays, or different "tasty" odors in supermarkets, causing the desire to buy......
It is no secret that with the help of smells can manipulate people. The smell of lemon, vanilla or basil stimulates the purchase of clothing. To create an association to the name of the car sellers in car showrooms also use all kinds of flavors. In public people and politicians to describe the smells made the words - "the smell of blood," "the smell of passion", etc.

The sense of smell connects people with the world, because in nature there are many smells that can be described in words. The scent can be gentle, sad, exciting, sharp, hot, cold, repulsive and heady. Specially trained people may call up to two thousand shades of odors.
Cavemen probably the very first started to use a variety of scents for their own protection. Soaking his clothes smell of smoke from the fire or burning, they thereby protected from wild animals with these scents evoke the feeling of panic and anxiety. The ancient Egyptian civilization has been a popular cooking all sorts of flavored umaschivaniya for different parts of the body. The science of smells studied ancient Arabs, Indians, it was used in the African tribes and even the temple prostitutes mastered the art of smells perfectly.

Many religious ceremonies were accompanied and followed to date with special flavors. For example, fragrance used in the Orthodox Church performs incense. It has long been known that the scent of lavender, geranium, camphor stimulate, relieve depression, encouraging. Winter smell of pine and spruce calm pulse, lower blood pressure. The smell of vanilla, birch, oak, valerian, lemon balm able to normalize the cardiovascular system. The smell of citrus, geranium and rosemary can improve eyesight.

Much remains unknown in the science of smell, but the smell coming from the man we often perceive unconsciously. Repellents and attractants have no appreciable odor, but they, acting on a subconscious level, increase the impact on human behavior and can act as a means for potency.

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